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You want to grow your business, have more “real” relationships, or are searching for more meaning in what you do.

You can achieve these.  How do I know? Because I’ve done them for myself and for my amazing clients.

Hi, I am Jason, your advocate committed to your growth. And we will do this together with your talents and courage, combined with my decades of experience in entrepreneurship, real estate, creativity, connection-building, leadership training, and professionally-trained and certified coaching from the Co-Active Training Institute (CPCC@CTI) and the International Coaching Federation (PCC@ICF). Today, with my one-to-one clients, I work exclusively as a Buffini & Company business coach.

My clients say I’m…

Don’t just take it from me. Here’s what people who’ve worked with me had to say…

Coaching with Jason is like talking to a good friend. That kind of friend that you trust to share things with because you know that you will get authentic, honest feedback from someone who understands you and has your best interests in mind. Jason helped me to design a new way of thinking about things, and that changes EVERYTHING. How you look at things changes the outcome. Because of Jason's conversations I am able to look at difficult situations from multiple perspectives, and not personalize even the most challenging situations. Design a reaction or response to have a positive and productive outcome. Gamechanger for all relationships!

– Dana Naegele


Deciding to work with Jason was one of the best decisions I made in 2020. After losing my job unexpectedly in April, a close friend mentioned that she knew a good life coach that I could work with. I needed to do some soul searching about where my career was going next and although I knew it would be beneficial to work with a coach, I was hesitant.  I've always taken pride in being able to figure things out on my own and thought a "life coach" sounded a little strange. After a couple months of going-it-alone, I thought it would be good to have someone hold me accountable to my plans so I decided to give it a try and committed to 6 months. After working with Jason for just a few weeks I realized that there was so much more value to our relationship than just an accountability coach. Through our conversations I learned more about myself and what my own internal blockers/fears were that were getting in the way of me reaching my professional goals. In addition to working towards my career goals, Jason helped me sort through some challenges I was having with people in my personal life. He challenged me in ways that got me thinking and seeing things from a different perspective and I learned valuable skills that I will carry with me for a long time. Jason has a gift for active listening and was able to see me for who I am. In a short period of time, I felt like I was talking to a close friend and he helped elevate me to play on both my strengths and weaknesses to reach my full potential. He challenged me to enter uncomfortable spaces and created an environment that felt safe to be vulnerable. We worked together to make small tweaks to behaviors and thought patterns that helped me reach my personal and professional goals.

– Lauren M


Jason took me into a journey of success. In just a few minutes I was living my future, my dream, but more importantly I was feeling confident I can take the next steps to achieve it. 

- Rei


I found Jason to be very human and accessible in our coaching sessions. My career change was a very alienating time and the sessions with Jason allowed a connection and understanding that was very helpful. Jason challenged me to think differently and turn my “NO’s” into “OK, I’ll try that” and though it sometimes did not work out — gave me a very positive spin on the alternative approach. He was very intuitive and in the moment, allowing me to work out ideas on the spot.

– Sharon K


Just wanted to THANK YOU for the great opportunity for my son to work with you. He’s been working hard on himself on several fronts, and I know your work together has been a big part of that. While he surely doesn’t tell me everything(!), he does tell me a bit, and I can really just see/feel a big difference in him. He seems much more comfortable in his skin. As a parent, you can imagine how happy that makes my mama heart!! A HUMONGOUS THANK YOU to YOU, JASON!!! I don’t know who your ideal client is, but what a HUGE and SMART gift coaching with you would be for parents to give their young adult children. I am SO GRATEFUL for your offering and SO GLAD I made it happen. My son’s life has been forever changed at precisely the moment he most needed it as he was REALLY figuring out “who am I?” He was struggling. It was a pivotal moment. I knew it could be a gift if he’d take it. You appeared. He took the opportunity and thank goodness he got to do that with you!!

-Anne, coach and mother


Not only he is such committed and empathic coach, his skill set is amazing. With his great communication skills, fun and playful personality, he helps you to sort thru your mind’s clutter to get clear on what you need, and finally come up with an action plan. I have nothing more to ask for in a coach.

– Nina, business consultant 


Jason is SO much more than a coach...he is a friend, a mentor, and a genuinely fantastic person! Within 2 months of working with Jason I got a new job (that I love), networked with people I would have never even considered reaching out to and most importantly, found new moments of joy every single day which has now become habitual in my daily routine. If you're ready to look deeper within, need guidance, or even a new perspective Jason is your guy!

– Elizabeth, business professional


I had the great joy of experiencing Jason’s coaching… His ability to be fully present with me and hold my agenda was a gift. In fact, I think I did some of my best work as a client in that short period of coaching. In addition, he provided important feedback (and exactly what I needed to hear) as well as tailored suggestions for my own improvement as a coach. It was clear to me that Jason is all in on coaching. I fully recommend him!

– Randi, Career coach


Jason was very helpful in coaching, as he listens intently and is mindful of life circumstances when offering coaching and guidance. I would highly recommend Jason as a coach who can guide you along the way when an outside voice is needed. Sometimes we only listen to our conscience; Jason will offer outside guidance which will have you think differently.

– Aman, business professional


Special thanks to:

Marie Gonzalez [ Marieastridphotography.com ] for making me look so darn good in the photography.